27 May 2009

A Trio of Silly Jokes

These jokes are by no means original. However, they always make me laugh. The trouble is getting someone to buy into it. They always know that something is awry with the question, and only a couple of times have I had anyone actually ask--innocently and unknowingly--the desired setup question that is required to make the joke work.

I present to you a trio of my favorite silly pun jokes, or whatever you want to call them.

Joke #1:

Mr. Joke-asking-person: "Excuse me, young sir. Do you have any updog?"

Mr. Unsuspecting-joke-answerer: "What's 'updog'?"

Mr. Joke-asking-person: "Not much, dude; whassup wit' you?"

(Mr. Joke-asking-person laughs maniacally at the joke victim's expense. Mr. Unsuspecting-joke-answerer stands unamused and slightly baffled.)

Joke #2:

Mr. Joke-asking-person: "Excuse me, young sir. Do you have a henway?"

Mr. Unsuspecting-joke-answerer: "What's a 'henway'?"

Mr. Joke-asking-person: "Oh, about three or four pounds."

(Mr. Joke-asking-person commences with the laughter. Mr. Unsuspecting-joke-answerer gets the joke this time, but continues to be unimpressed by the humor.)

Joke #3:

Mr. Joke-asking-person: "Excuse me, young sir. Do you have a buttfer?"

Mr. (by this point not so much an) Unsuspecting-joke-answerer: "What's a 'buttfer'?"

Mr. Joke-asking-person: "Why, it's for pooping, silly."

(Mr. Joke-asking-person is now ROFL-ing in a very literal sense whilst Mr. Unsuspecting-joke-answerer seeks the hammerfore.)

Mr. Joke-asking-person: "What's the 'hammerfore'?"

(Mr. Unsuspecting-joke-answerer shows him exactly what the hammer is for.)

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